In 1974 the late Ishaq Naqwa Sawant (Rahmatullah alai) a local elder hailing from Bombay, India kindly offered the use of a room at his property for the purpose of teaching the local children. This property situated at 7 St Stephen's Terrance, West Bowling was very soon outgrown thus resulting in the purchase of the property next door.
We thank Ishaq Naqwa Sawant (Rahmatullah alai) for his kind gesture and helping bring Madni Masjid to fruition. With his efforts, Islamic values are instilled in our youth today, Subhanallah.
It was approximately 18 months when 9 St. Stephen's Terrace was purchased and converted into a Madrassa. This new property was structurally altered so that all rooms on each floor were put through and converted into halls allowing room for congregational prayer.
In 1980 however, the adjacent property at 11 St Stephen's Terrace was also purchase due to high demands and increased number of visitors. Without creating too much structural change a single door was created internally to allow a merger of both properties. However during these exciting times some local news developed that a newly defunct dental practice had come up for sale. With a much more suitable layout for both Salah and teaching of children, the building was purchased resulting in the two previous residential properties being put up for sale. Till this very day, the Masjid Stands proudly at this very location however not without further development.
In 1983, the adjoining 4-storey stone-built former textile mill was also purchased comprising two small halls. This now officially become the first Masjid in West Bowling, accommodating an additional 180 people to perform their Salah and a much welcomed local amenity.
With a bustling community and demand for the Masjid ever increasing, the committee decided to utilise a large carpark and secluded land for further development. A large double-storey extension was built helping increase the congregational capacity by 700 and inaugurated before Ramadan 2002.
With the masjid now at a steady size accommodating the community with a multitude of services offered. A decision was made in August 2010 to purchase a nearby building which formerly comprised of 37 individual flats for the elderly. The purpose of this purchase was to further evolve some of our facilities as well as accommodate additional services. Completed in phases, this new development was name Madni Centre. More on this centre can be found HERE.