Madni Funeral Service is a ‘Not-for-Profit’ organisation that provides a fullY comprehensive funeral service for all Muslims who normally reside within the City of Bradford. Our aim is to help our Muslim community in Bradford with all funeral arrangements from ghusl to burial.
With our new state-of-the-art funeral facility located within the Madni Centre, we are now able to deliver a complete service whereby all processes are completed in one place saving time and anguish in being able to bury your loved ones as quick as possible and in accordance to sunnah. Our services include the following:
A new, state of the art wash facility
Overnight chilled storage room
Provides a combined Private Ambulance & Hearse
Help with all documentation
Ladies Faatihani area, located next door to the Funeral service area
Men’s Faatihani area, located 100metres away in the Madni Masjid
Janazah facility in Madni Masjid
Lowest cost in Bradford
The funeral services​ can be contacted on 01274 407142 or please contact Maulana Zafar directly on 07494 747 412